ACDISP.ZIP 14,460 02-16-94 Report Viewer for FoxPro v2.5b - Shareware
ACH2TB.ZIP 15,005 09-25-93 FT_ACH2TB() - TBrowse replacement of Achoice
AHP141.ZIP 70,379 01-01-94 AHELP5 1.41: distributed by MicroFox Company.Advanced Help & Index Library for Clipper 5.xAHELP 1.41: MicroFox distributes exclusively.Advanced Help Library for Clipper Summer '87.AHP141.ZIP contains both AHELP and AHELP5.Context sensitive help with popup windows forapplications written with Clipper. Key wordindexes available for complete system. <ASP>Written by Capella Inc. and distrbiuted byJim Hass. [ASAD] <ASP> {STAR}
ARCVIE13.ZIP 15,366 09-05-93 ArcView 1.30 View archives with Clipper 5.01
CLIPBTN.ZIP 299,210 09-17-93 ClipButtons Library for Clipper 5.x
CLIPUG.ZIP 101,873 10-19-93 CA-Clipper Recognized User Groups : 10/19/93╓──────────────────────────────────────────╖║ CA-Clipper Recognized User Group List ║║ Date: 10/19/93 ║║ Expires: 11/18/93 ║╟──────────────────────────────────────────╢║ Listing of CA-Clipper Recognized and/or ║║ Supported User Groups in .NG (Norton ║║ Guides) format. ║║ Provided by Computer Associates, Int. ║╙──────────────────────────────────────────╜
CLPBBS.ZIP 43,942 09-27-93 Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs list v008╓──────────────────────────────────────────╖║ Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs List ║║ Version 008 ║║ Expires: 10/30/93 ║╟──────────────────────────────────────────╢║ Listing of CA-Clipper & Xbase oriented ║║ BBSs. These include Users Groups, ║║ Vendors, and Privately Operated Boards. ║║ Includes Board Names, phone #(s), ║║ Sysops, Network Address(es), etc. ║╙──────────────────────────────────────────╜
CLPOS2.ZIP 88,970 10-06-93 Clipper function to allow opening another OS
CLPVAR.ZIP 18,448 11-19-93 CLIPVAR.EXE - a utility to save you time!
CLUG0194.ZIP 51,203 01-03-94 ╓──────────────┐║ CLIPUG.ZIP └───────────────────────────╖║ CA-Clipper User Group Directory ║║ Date: 01/03/94 Expires: 02/01/94 ║╟──────────────────────────────────────────╢║ Listing of CA-Clipper User Groups in ║║ .NG [Norton Guides] format. ║║ Provided by Computer Associates, Int. ║╙──────────────────────────────────────────╜
CLWISHNG.ZIP 13,611 09-24-93 v1.0 of wish list for future Clipper
COLORS.ZIP 5,538 10-31-93 Color Control function, source - Shareware
CT3P.ZIP 628,809 12-15-93 CA-Tools III protected mode (ExoSpace) Updat
CT3PREAD.ZIP 2,975 12-30-93 Readme-File for CA-Clipper Tools 3 Exopatibl
CWCLIP.ZIP 11,558 08-28-93 Transcript of conference on CIS with C.B.Wan
DOS6CLIP.ZIP 3,222 07-23-93 Solution DOS 6 and Clipper 5.01 problem
EASYLET.ZIP 27,191 09-23-93 EasyLet Mail merge and letter generationutility. Create letters, lables, envelopes,postal bar code, letterhead, and eveninclude PCX images. Control HP laserjets andDot matrix printers from within yourapplication. Linkable to Clipper 5.x withProHP. Mail merge with any DBF format. Thisdemo prints sample code and its output. Afull working demo is available. The NortonGuide is also available, see EZLETNG.ZIPI.L.A., Inc (800) 374-7734(407) 774-7734 , fax (407) 774-6750
ENCRYP.ZIP 12,497 12-26-93 password an file encryption Library - Sharew
EVENTS11.ZIP 10,401 09-13-93 Events 1.1 - Libreria para Clipper 5.x que pea través del gestor de eventos del Clipper.
EXETYPE.ZIP 8,377 11-02-93 ExeType 1.0C - Windows ExeType ConversorConvertido a partir de un fuente de Antonio Lpermite alterar la versión de un ejecutable WDe esta manera podemos usar el link 5.10 confivewin.lib
ISDIR.ZIP 1,435 09-18-93 ISDIR.PRG works with SUBST'ed DOS 6 dirs
ISNET.ZIP 3,014 12-23-93 Fix for Netto.Lib: FN_ISNET
LJP3FW.ZIP 31,261 09-15-93 HP Laser Jet III / PCL 5 print driver
LUMINET.ZIP 121,765 09-04-93 LumiNet Tools 1.5 Make WP doc from C/Clipper
ME70.ZIP 663,718 10-20-93 Multi-Edit demo is truly a FULLY FUNCTIONALcopy of one of the best Programer's Editorson the market. The Evolve Macro Package addsspecial support for xBase (Clipper, FoxPro,dBase, Arago) ANY SIZE FILE may be loaded,edited and saved.
MEMOMOUS.ZIP 3,436 09-16-93 Example of MemoEdit, using NanFor Lib 2.1
SCRTIL.ZIP 3,557 11-11-93 paint 'tiled' pattern on specified screen re
SD100.ZIP 127,380 11-02-93 Text Screen Designer - generates .com and/or
SEARCH.ZIP 2,573 11-16-93 a search procedure
SEGURO20.ZIP 395,021 02-22-94 ---------------------------------------Libreria para Clipper que permitemarcar un ejecutable (*.EXE) con lainformación que se desee. Se dispone de5 campos de 45 caracteres de largo enlos cuales podra grabar y leer lo quequiera (Max, 45 caracteres)---------------------------------------This library puts up to 5 Char (Maxlen:45) marks in your executable file.You can ask inside your program forthem, protecting it against piracy---------------------------------------